Week 4 - Busy day at the auction ring
Good news, beef prices up are on the way up! That's what I was told, when I spoke to a framer at the mart in Ennis this week. I have to admit, that I know feck all about beef prices, but I love taking pictures at the mart.
There is something about taking pictures at the mart, its like ....rural Ireland street photography. That's the only way I can put it, we simply don't have the hustle and bustle of New York city, but this where life happens rural Ireland, at the mart. Talking to one guy in the audience, he told me, that 50% of the audience are just onlookers. For a lot of farmers a day at the mart is just a day out. They go into town, they meet, they talk, they watch the auction....it's a bit of fun.
The other side of the auction ring
On another note, I love taking pictures here, because last year one of pictures was picked up by the farmers journal. Picked up on Twitter! It ended up on the front page, and thinking about it...I'm still waiting for the cheque.....
For the last couple of weeks, I have been bringing the camera with me nearly every day. I don't take pictures every day, but it's good to know that I have the camera in the car with me. Just in case an alien space ship lands outside the mart in Ennis one day, whatever happens, I'm prepared...even for aliens that want to buy some fine irish cattle...
Wrong auction ring my friend...they are all next door.....
And that's it for this week!